iOS - Environment Setup
iOS - Objective-C Basics
Setting Up Your Project in Xcode
Introducing Interface Builder
The Model-view-Controller Paradigm
Creating the View Controller
Creating the Application
Build And Run
Handling Rotation Using Auto size attributes
iOS - Actions and Outlets
iOS - Delegates
iOS - UI Elements
Restructuring a View When Rotated
Swapping Views
Multiview Applications
Tab Bars and Pickers
Introduction to Table views
Navigation Controllers
Using I phone’s Embedded SQL Lite
Setting Up a project to Use SQL LIte
Taps Touches, And Gestures
The location Manager
The location Manager Delegate
Accessing the Accelerometer
I phone Camera and photo Library
Application Localization
Localization Architecture
Real-World iphone : Localizing Your Application
PROJECT : Development of an Iphone Application for IOS 11.3
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Computer Programming terminologies. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages, especially Objective C programming language, will help you learn the concepts of iOS programming faster.
Our course is exclusively designed for software developers with an interest in developing i-phone and i-pad applications on iOS using objective C programming.