With real-world examples, our course helps you to get clarity on the concept of applying Robot in Home automation and other embedded systems.
1. Basic knowledge of C / C++ Programming
2. Basics of Electronics.
3. Analog & Digital Electronics
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Introduction to Arduino
Drivers & Software Installation
Getting used to Arduino IDE
Anatomy of Arduino
Detailed Pin Mapping and Auxiliaries
Bootloaders and Bootloading process
How to Program in Arduino ?
LED Interfacing with Arduino - Theory
Practical: Blinking LEDs in a given pattern
Basic Electronic Concepts of Embedded Designing
Pulse Width Modulation - Theory
Practical: Controlling brightness of a LED.
Seven Segment Displays - Theory
Practical: Displaying Digits on Seven Segment Displays
LCD Interfacing with Arduino - Theory
Practical: Displaying Text on LCD
Practical: Scrolling Text on LCD
Digital Input Processing - Theory
Practical: Detecting Switch Inputs on Arduino Pins
Practical: Controlling LEDs with Single Key Button
Interfacing a Buzzer with Arduino - Theory
Practical: Generating Tones using Buzzer
Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensors - Theory
Practical: Distance/Speed approximation using Ultrasonic Sensor
Serial Communication in Arduino - Theory
Practical: Controlling LEDs from the PC.
Practical: Printing text on the LCD from PC
Introduction to ADC and Serial Monitoring - Theory
Practical: Interfacing a simple Potentiometer.
Interfacing IR Sensors(Analog) - Theory
Practical: Designing and fabricating an IR sensor.
Practical: Detecting obstacles and surface colour difference using above.
Interfacing LDR Sensors(Analog) - Theory
Practical: Designing and fabricating an LDR sensor.
Practical: Detecting Colour and Light Intensity with LDR Sensors.
Interfacing Temperature Sensor - Theory
Practical: Calibrating Sensor value with Temperatur Range.
Handling Heavy Power with Arduino - Theory
Brief Discussion on Transistors and MOSFETs
Interfacing a DC Motor with Arduino - Theory
Motor Driver & Its Need - Theory
Practical: Controlling Direction of Rotation of a Motor
Introduction to Autonomous Robotics
Line Follower Robot : Theory
Practical: Making a Line Follower Robot
Pit Follower Robot : Theory
Light Follower/Avoider Robot : Theory